Catalogo Wow Italy


WOW ITALY Srl Via Majorana, 10A/12 35010 Cadoneghe (PD) Italia +39 049 7359630

WOWè la nostra vita quotidiana all’aperto. OUR DAILY perché è quotidiana la nostra attenzione alla sostenibilità ambientale, perché tutti noi, produttori e consumatori, siamo responsabili insieme del nostro futuro. Quotidiana è anche lanostra continua ricercadi nuove soluzioni e materiali per rendere più ecologici i nostri divani, senza rinunciare al comfort e alla qualitàWOW. OUTDOOR LIFE è il luogo e lo scopo dei nostri divani, perché realizziamo divani per stare all’esterno, in modo duraturo, all’aria aperta nella natura, nell’ambiente che ci circonda e infatti all’ambienteeallasuavitarivolgiamoilnostroquotidiano impegno, realizzando questi divani con materiali riciclati e riciclabili, facilmente separabili alla fine della loro lunga vita e recuperabili per altre lavorazioni. WOW is our daily outdoor life. DAILY is OUR attention to environmental sustainability, because all of us, producers and consumers, are together responsible for our future. Our constant search is also daily for new solutions and materials to make our sofas more ecological, without sacrificing comfort andWOWquality. OUTDOOR LIFE is the place and purpose of our sofas because we make sofas for being outdoors, with a long life, in nature, and for the environment, we direct our daily commitment to making these sofas with recycled and recyclable materials, easily separable at the end of their long life and recoverable for other processes.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life 2

134 Dati Tecnici / Technical Data The Movable Backrest Family 70 GOCÀ sofa 80 FREESTYLE sofa 90 STONES poufs 94 STAGE sofa 98 FLY STAGE sofa 102 BUTTON sofa The Aluminium Frame Family 6 APP sofa 24 NEWPLATFORM sofa 38 PLATÒ sofa 48 ROLLO ROUND sofa 54 ROLLO FLAT sofa 58 ROLLO FREE sofa 62 SNAP low tables The Other WOWs Family 106 FRIZZO sofa/sunbed 114 GETA sofa 120 REST sunbed 122 LOB sofa 128 MARELLA sofa 132 DOT easy chair

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life The Aluminium Frame Family 6 APP sofa 24 NEWPLATFORM sofa 38 PLATÒ sofa 48 ROLLO ROUND sofa 54 ROLLO FLAT sofa 58 ROLLO FREE sofa 62 SNAP low tables 4

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2023 6

L’alluminio della struttura sale e diventa un elegante bracciolo, l’alluminio è leggero, resistente e facilmente riciclabile, l’alluminio è meraviglioso e perfetto all’aperto. Aluminum of the frame rises up to become an elegant armrest, aluminum is light, strong and easily recyclable, aluminum is wonderful and can be use outdoors peacefully.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP sofa @mondi_marini Laura Marini, cyanotype 8

creamwhite frame Garden collection fabrics

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP sofa 10

Un piano unisce i divani App in composizioni aperte a 125°, un piano ecosostenibile e outdoor, realizzato in doghe di frassino termo trattato un piano d'appoggio, funzionale e comodo. A side table that joins App sofas in compositions at 125°, a side table eco-friendly and suitable for outdoor, made of thermo-treated ash planks a side table to support objects, functional and comfortable.

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Il frassino termotrattato è unmateriale naturale, ecosostenibile e adatto alla vita outdoor, il trattatamento termico con vapore, senza l’impiego di prodotti chimici, conferisce a questo legno, ampiamente diffuso in Europa, un'eccellente durabilità e stabilità nell’uso outdoor. Thermo-treated ash is natural, eco-sustainable, and suitable for outdoor life, the thermal treatment with steam, without the use of chemical products, gives this wood, widely present in Europe, excellent durability and stability in outdoor use.

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WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP sofa 16

I generosi schienali morbidi dalla forma ergonomica rendono App un divano outdoor elegante e confortevole. The generous soft backrests with an ergonomic shape make App an elegant and comfortable outdoor sofa.

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creamwhite frame Garden collection fabrics

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP sofa 20

creamwhite frame Garden collection fabrics

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP sofa 22

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2023 24

Nuovemisure, nuove cuciture, nuovi tessuti outdoor da fibre riciclate, e tre nuovi set di cuscini per ogni scelta di comfort! Newmeasurements, new seams, new recycled outdoor textiles, and three new set of cushions to enjoy your choice of comfort!

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM sofa anthracite grey frame Formentera fabrics 26

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM sofa 28

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM sofa 30

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM sofa creamwhite frame Jimmiz fabrics 32

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM sofa 34

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM sofa 36

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2023 Un ampio plateau imbottito su cui sdraiarsi un ampio bracciolo da cui guardare il cielo ovunque tu sia, sempre sul nostro telaioWOW in alluminio. Wide upholstered plateau to lie down, wide low armrests to gaze at the sky, wherever you are, always on our WOWaluminum frame. 38

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ sofa anthracite grey frame Formentera fabrics 40

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ sofa 42

anthracite grey frame Formentera fabrics

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ sofa 44

Il frassino termotrattato è un materiale naturale, ecosostenibile e adatto alla vita outdoor, il trattatamento termico con vapore, senza l’impiego di prodotti chimici, conferisce a questo legno, ampiamente diffuso in Europa, una eccellente durabilità e stabilità nell’uso outdoor. Thermo-treated ash is natural, eco-sustainable, and suitable for outdoor life, the thermal treatment with steam, without the use of chemical products, gives this wood, widely present in Europe, excellent durability and stability in outdoor use

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WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life ROLLO ROUND sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 48

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life ROLLO ROUND sofa 50

Rollo è la forma tonda e schietta che caratterizza i braccioli sollevati dalla seduta, uno stacco studiato puramente per la vita outdoor e la convivialità. Round è lo schienale, anch’esso tondo, anch’esso sollevato e schietto! Rollo is the round and clean shape that characterizes the armrests raised from the seat, a gap designed purely for outdoor life and conviviality. Round is the backrest, also round, also raised and straight!

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anthracite grey frame Sunbrella fabrics

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life ROLLO FLAT sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 54

Rollo è la forma tonda e schietta che caratterizza i braccioli sollevati dalla seduta, uno stacco studiato puramente per la vita outdoor e la convivialità. Flat è lo schienale, questa volta appiattito a forma di goccia, ma sempre sollevato e schietto! Rollo is the round and clean shape that characterizes the armrests raised from the seat, a gap designed purely for outdoor life and conviviality. Flat is the backrest, this time flattened in the shape of a drop, but still raised and straight!

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life ROLLO FLAT sofa creamwhite frame Sunbrella fabrics 56

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life ROLLO FREE sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 58

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life creamwhite frame Sunbrella fabrics ROLLO FREE sofa 60

Rollo è la forma schietta a cilindro dello schienale mobile, senza alcun elemento fisso, libero, Free Rollo is the clean cylinder shape of the mobile backrest, without any fixed elements, Free!

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life SNAP tables studiolucianobertoncini, 2016 62

anthracite grey 37 cm height

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life SNAP tables anthracite grey frame with heat-treated ash top 22 cm height 64

agate grey 49 cm height

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life ROLLO ROUND 2022 PLATÒ 2023 NEWPLATFORM 2016 → 2023 The Aluminium Frame Story 66

SNAP tables 2016 APP 2023 ROLLO FLAT 2022

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life The Movable Backrest Family 70 GOCÀ sofa 80 FREESTYLE sofa 90 STONES poufs 94 STAGE sofa 98 FLY STAGE sofa 102 BUTTON sofa 68

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ sofa 2023 70

Libertà di cambiare posizione grazie agli schienali mobili, liberta di riposare o chiacchierare con il tuo Gocà. Freedom to change position thanks tomovable backrests, freedom to rest or to chat with your Gocà.

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WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ sofa 74

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WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FREESTYLE sofa 2020 80

Il sistemaWOWdi schienali mobili e forme imbottite poligonali permette di improvvisare composizioni per qualsiasi esigenza outdoor, in perfetto stile libero. TheWOWsystemof mobile backrests on polygonal shapes allows you to improvise various compositions for any outdoor need, in perfect freestyle.

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WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FREESTYLE sofa 84

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FREESTYLE sofa 86

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FREESTYLE sofa 88

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STONES pouf 2016 90

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STONES pouf Come sassi levigati dallo scorrere dell’acqua, i pouf Stones sono forme tondeggianti realizzate conmateriali adatti alla vita outdoor. Le forme tonde e ovali più grandi diventano divani grazie allo schienalemobileWOW. Like stones smoothed by the flowof water, poufs Stones are rounded shapes made of materials suitable for outdoor life. The larger round and oval shapes become sofas thanks to theWOWmobile backrest. 92

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STAGE sofa 2016 94

Gli schienali mobili WOWsu grandi forme rettangolari possonomettere in scenamolteplici storie outdoor. TheWOWmovable backrests on large rectangular shapes can stage different outdoor stories.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STAGE sofa 96

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FLY STAGE sofa 2016 98

Un’elegante base a slitta rende le grandi forme rettangolari dello Stage leggere e volanti. An elegant sled basemakes the large rectangular shapes of the Stage light and flying.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FLY STAGE sofa 100

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life BUTTON sofa 2019 102

La libertà dello schienalemobile curvato rende questo grande bottone un protagonista outdoor. The freedomof the curvedmobile backrest makes this large button an outdoor protagonist.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life The Other WOWs Family 106 FRIZZO sofa/sunbed 114 GETA sofa 120 REST sunbed 122 LOB sofa 128 MARELLA sofa 132 DOT easy chair 104

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FRIZZO sofa/sunbed studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 106

Arguto e spiritoso, Frizzo si adatta con ingegno e spirito leggero a diversi momenti outdoor, grazie agli schienali indipendenti e reclinabili. Witty and clever, Frizzo, with ingenuity and a light spirit fits to different moments outdoors, thanks to the independent and reclining backrests.

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WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FRIZZO sofa 110

FRIZZO sofa independent reclining backrests for multiple settings

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FRIZZO sofa/sunbed 112

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GETA sofa 2020 114

Una base in legno sostiene elementi imbottiti che possono essere composti in varie configurazioni, Geta è il tradizionale zoccolo giapponese. Awooden base supports upholstered elements that can be composed in various configurations, Geta is the traditional Japanese sandal.

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WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life REST sunbed 2019 120

La forma delle onde del mare, lo schienale reclinabile, il relax, sono gli elementi del lettino Rest. The shape of the sea waves, the reclining backrest, relaxation, are the elements of the Rest sunbed.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB sofa 2022 122

Elegante e vincente, come il colpo tennistico, è la cucitura che arrotonda gli schienali, fissati sulle stesse forme poligonali del FreeStyle. Elegant and successful, like the tennis shot, is the seams that round off the backrests, fixed on the same polygonal shapes of the FreeStyle.

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WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB sofa 126

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MARELLA sofa 2022 128

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MARELLA sofa 130

Gambe affusolate e rettangoli inclinati rivestiti di tessuto svelano gli elementi morbidi imbottiti che contraddistinguono il divanoMarella. Tapered legs and inclined rectangles covered in fabric reveal the soft upholstered elements that distinguish theMarella sofa.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DOT easy chair studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 132

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life Our concept of outdoor is to join thebest confort and elegance to a unique and innovativemanufacturing tecnique tested for years. The result is a textile sofa with all the suitable features for the outdoor, nomatter the exposition to sun and badweather. The structures and cushions are water-resistant thanks to an inner waterproof cover that gets dry very fast and allows also the upholstery to dry off in a very short time, therefore sofas can be left in the rain and night humidity without any problem. In case of extreme bad weather and when unused for a long time, it’s advisable to protect them with our waterproof covers available on request. All WOWItaly sofas are removable. Technical Data Il nostroconcettodi outdoor èquellodi unireconfort ed eleganza ad una tecnica manifatturiera unica ed innovativa collaudata da anni. Il risultato è un divano in tessuto con tutte le caratteristiche per l'esterno, indipendentemente dall'esposizione al sole e alle intemperie. Le strutture e i cuscini sono resistenti all'acqua grazie ad una fodera interna impermeabile che si asciuga molto velocemente e permette anche al rivestimento di asciugarsi in brevissimo tempo, quindi i divani possono essere lasciati alla pioggia e all'umidità notturna senza alcun problema. Incasodimaltempoestremoedinutilizzoper lunghi tempi, è consigliabile proteggerli con le nostre coperture impermeabili, disponibili su richiesta. Tutti i divani WOWItaly sono sfoderabili. Dati Tecnici 134

APP sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2023 APP001 sofa 220x90xH95,Hs40cm APP007 sofa 185x90xH95,Hs40cm APP002 central 220x90xH95,Hs40cm APP008 central 185x90xH95,Hs40cm APP010 rightend 185x90xH95,Hs40cm APP005 withrightsidetable 220x90xH95,Hs40cm APP006 withleftsidetable 220x90xH95,Hs40cm p. 6 → 23 APP003 leftend 220x90xH95,Hs40cm APP009 leftend 185x90xH95,Hs40cm APP004 rightend 220x90xH95,Hs40cm APP011 armchair 90x90xH95,Hs40cm APP013 leftend 90x90xH95,Hs40cm APP014 rightend 90x90xH95,Hs40cm APP012 central 90x90xH95,Hs40cm APP015 125°table 106x90 esempidicomposizioniconilTAVOLINO125° compositionswith125°TABLE p. 14 p. 10 strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash dogheinlegno woodplanks RAL9005 black

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2023 p. 24 → 37 NPLA001 sofa 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA009 sofa 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA017 sofa 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA028 armchair 90x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA004 central 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA012 central 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA020 central 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA031 central 90x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA003 rightend 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA011 rightend 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA019 rightend 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA030 rightend 90x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA002 leftend 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA010 leftend 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA018 leftend 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA029 leftend 90x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA007 withleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA015 withleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA023 withleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA008 withleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA016 withleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA024 withleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA006 rightendwithleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA014 rightendwithleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA022 rightendwithleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA005 leftendwithrightsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA013 leftendwithrightsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA021 leftendwithrightsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA032 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm NPLA027 chaiselounge 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA025 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA026 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm 136

cusciniQUADRATI SQUAREDcushions cuscinimorbidiaSAPONETTA SOFTSOAP-SHAPEDcushions cuscinischienaliconRULLO backcushionswithBOLSTER CUS005 squaredcushion 50x50cm CUS006 squaredcushion 45x45cm CUS010 soap-shapedcushion 70x70cm CUS009 soap-shapedcushion 60x45cm CUS008 cushionwithbolster 65x50cm CUS007 cushionwithbolster 75x50cm strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% p. 26 p. 32 p. 34 RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash dogheinlegno woodplanks RAL9005 black tavolinointegratoinalluminio,verniciatodellostessocoloredellastruttura sidetableinaluminum,powdercoatedinthesamecolouroftheframe tavolinointegratoindoghedi legno sidetablewithwoodplanks cusciniconsigliati perangoliedormeuse recommendedcushions forcornersanddormeuse

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2023 p. 38 → 47 PLO001 sofa 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO008 sofa 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO020 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm PLO002 leftend 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO009 leftend 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO015 leftend 185x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO003 rightend 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO010 rightend 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO016 rightend 185x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO007 leftsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO014 leftsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO006 rightsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO013 rightsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO004 leftendwithrightsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO011 leftendwithrightsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO005 rightendwithleftsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO012 rightendwithleftsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO018 leftsidetable 185x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO017 rightsidetable 185x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO019 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash dogheinlegno woodplanks RAL9005 black cuscinoperbracciolo CUS006 nonincluso cushionsforarmrest CUS006 not included PLATÒ backrest cuscininoninclusi raccomandatiper laDORMEUSE not includedbutrecommended cushionsforDORMEUSE CUS010 softsoap-shaped 70x70cm CUS008 withbolster 65x50cm 138

ROLLO ROUND sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 ROLLORound backrest ROLR001 sofa 240x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR002 sofa 205x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR003 central 220x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR004 central 185x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR005 leftend 230x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR006 leftend 195x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR007 rightend 230x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR008 rightend 195x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR009 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm ROLR010 central 90x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR011 leftend 100x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR012 rightend 100x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR013 chaiselounge 185x90xH74,Hs40cm ROLR014 chaiselounge 185x90xH74,Hs40cm p. 48 → 53 cuscini CUS001 inclusi, lequantitàsonoindicateneidisegni cushions CUS001 included,quantities areindicatedinthedrawings strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite RAL9005 black

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life ROLLO FLAT sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 p. 54 → 57 ROLFL001 sofa 240x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL002 sofa 205x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL003 central 220x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL004 central 185x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL005 leftend 230x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL006 leftend 195x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL008 rightend 195x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL009 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm ROLFL010 central 90x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL011 leftend 100x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL012 rightend 100x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL007 rightend 230x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLLOFlat backrest ROLFL013 chaiselounge 185x90xH78,Hs40cm ROLFL014 chaiselounge 185x90xH78,Hs40cm cuscini CUS004 inclusi, lequantitàsonoindicateneidisegni cushions CUS004 included,quantities areindicatedinthedrawings strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite RAL9005 black 140

ROLLO FREE sofa studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 SNAP tables studiolucianobertoncini, 2016 ROLFR001 island 220x90xHs40cm ROLFR002 island 185x90xHs40cm ROLFRB001 ROLLOfreebackrest 55x42xH42cm ROLFR003 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm p. 58 → 61 SNA001 36x72cm H22/37/49cm SNA002 36x90cm H22/37/49cm SNA003 36x126cm H22/37/49cm SNA004 72x72cm H22/37/49cm SNA005 90x90cm H22/37/49cm SNA006 72x126cm H22/37/49cm SNA001 36x72cm H23/38/50cm SNA002 36x90cm H23/38/50cm SNA003 36x126cm H23/38/50cm SNA004 72x72cm H23/38/50cm SNA005 90x90cm H23/38/50cm SNA006 72x126cm H23/38/50cm p. 62 → 65 strutturaepianoinalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframeandtop *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash pianoindogheinlegno woodplankstop RAL9005 black strutturainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumframe *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite RAL9005 black altezzetavolinidisponibli availablestablesheight H 49 cm adattoalservizio servicetable H 37 cm latodivano sidetable H 22 cm tavolinobasso coffeetable

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ sofa 2023 p. 70 → 79 GOC004 island 120x120xHs42cm GOC005 island 180x120xHs42cm GOC006 island 240x120xHs42cm GOC001 island 105x105xHs42cm GOC002 island 150x105xHs42cm GOC003 island 180x105xHs42cm GOC010 peninsularight 130x180xHs42cm GOC011 roundpouf Ø105xHs42cm GOC012 roundpouf Ø120 xHs42cm GOC007 leftend 130x160xHs42cm GOC008 rightend 130x160xHs42cm GOC009 peninsulaleft 130x180xHs42cm MVB-C02 movablebackrest 105x28xH34cm MVB-C01 movablebackrest 80x28xH34cm MVB-D01 movablebackrest Ø23x50cm MVB-C03 movablebackrest 105x28xH34cm 105 105 CUS011 soap-shapedcushion 60x60cm CUS005 squaredcushion 50x50cm finituregambeacciaioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedsteel legsfinishes RAL9005 black RAL9001 creamwhite esempidicomposizioni compositionexamples p. 70 p. 72 p. 74 p. 75 schienalimobileperGOCA GOCAmovablebacks 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 142

FREESTYLE sofa 2020 p. 80 → 89 FREE008 island 156x96xHs38cm FREE001 island 186x96xHs38cm FREE007 island 96x96xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 FREE006 islandright 170x125xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 FREE005 islandleft 170x125xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 FREE010 rightchaiselounge 200x130xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 FREE009 leftchaiselounge 200x130xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 FREE003 island 96x96xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 FREE004 corner island 190x96xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 FREE002 island 156x96xHs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 schienalimobiliperFREESTYLE FREESTYLEmovablebacks 96 96 96 96 MVB-A01 movablebackrest 65x32xH32cm MVB-A02 movablebackrest 85x32xH32cm MVB-A03 cornerm.b. 80x80xH32cm MVB-A04 curvedm.b. 65x32xH32cm MVB-B01 movablebackrest 65x32xH42cm MVB-B02 movablebackrest 85x32xH42cm

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STONES pouf 2016 p. 90 → 93 STO003 round Ø65xHs40cm STO004 round Ø80xHs40cm STO005 round Ø105xHs40cm STO006 round Ø130xHs40cm STO009 oval 105x68xHs40cm STO010 bigoval 150x75xHs40cm schienalemobileperSTONES STONESmovablebacks MVB-B03 smallmovablebackrest 60x30xH30cm STAGE sofa 2016 p. 94 → 97 STA001 island 105x105xHs40cm STA003 island 180x105xHs40cm STA004 island 210x105xHs40cm STA005 island 240x105xHs40cm STA002 island 150x105xHs40cm STA006 island 180x120xHs40cm STA007 island 210x120xHs40cm STA008 island 240x120xHs40cm MVB-A01 movablebackrest 65x32xH32cm MVB-A02 movablebackrest 85x32xH32cm MVB-A03 cornerm.b. 80x80xH32cm MVB-A04 curvedm.b. 65x32xH32cm MVB-B01 movablebackrest 65x32xH42cm MVB-B02 movablebackrest 85x32xH42cm 144

BUTTON sofa 2019 p. 102 → 103 BUT001 roundsofa Ø185xHs40cm schienalimobiliperBUTTON BUTTONmovablebacks MVB-A04 curvedm.b. 65x32xH32cm FLY STAGE sofa 2016 p. 98 → 101 FLY00 2 island 180x105xHs40cm FLY003 island 210x105xHs40cm FLY004 island 240x105xHs40cm FLY001 island 150x105xHs40cm FLY005 island 180x120xHs40cm FLY006 island 210x120xHs40cm FLY007 island 240x120xHs40cm gambainalluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumslidelegs *surichiestaconsovraprezzodel5% *onrequestwithextraprice5% RAL3007 blackred* RAL6011 resedagreen* RAL7031 bluegrey* RAL7038 agategrey* RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite RAL9005 black MVB-A01 movablebackrest 65x32xH32cm MVB-A02 movablebackrest 85x32xH32cm MVB-A03 cornerm.b. 80x80xH32cm MVB-A04 curvedm.b. 65x32xH32cm MVB-B01 movablebackrest 65x32xH42cm MVB-B02 movablebackrest 85x32xH42cm

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FRIZZO sofa/sunbed studiolucianobertoncini, 2022 p. 106 → 113 FRI001 sofa/doublesunbedwithsidetable 220x126xH76,Hs42cm FRI002 sofa/doublesunbedwithsidetable 220x126xH76,Hs42cm FRI003 sofa/doublesunbed 189x126xH76,Hs42cm FRI004 sofa/doublesunbed 189x126xH76,Hs42cm FRI005 singlesunbed 189x76xH76,Hs42cm finiturealluminioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedaluminumfinishes RAL7016 anthracitegrey RAL9001 creamwhite betulla naturale natural birch finiturepianoinmultistratodi legno plywoodbasefinish RAL9005 black cuscini CUS003 inclusi, lequantitàsonoindicateneidisegni cushions CUS003 included,quantities areindicatedinthedrawings 146

GETA sofa 2020 p. 114 → 119 GET002 rightend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET001 central90 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET004 central90rightsidetable 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET003 leftend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET004b central90leftsidetable 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET005 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm GET007b coffeetable 90x90xH14cm GET006 rightend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET007 leftend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET008 central130 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET009 leftend130,sidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET011 central130rightsidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET010 rightend130,sidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET012 central 130leftsidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET017 rightend2seats,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET019 central180 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET018 leftend2seats,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET020 rightend1seat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET021 leftend1seat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET022 central180, rightsidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET024 rightendlargeseat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET023 central180, leftsidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET025 leftendlargeseat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET026 island180,2seats 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET016 sofa180 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET027 chaiselounge 180x90xH56,Hs40cm GET013 island130, rightsidetable 130x90xHs40cm GET014 island130, leftsidetable 130x90xHs40cm GET015 island130 130x90xHs40cm GET028 sofa230 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET029 leftend230,sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET031 2largeseats, right sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET030 rightend230,sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET032 2largeseats, left sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET033 3smallseats, right sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET034 3smallseats, leftsidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET035 island, rightsidetable 130x90xHs40cm GET036 island, leftsidetable 130x90xHs40cm frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash finiturabaseetavolinoinlegno woodbaseandsidetablefinish iroko naturale natural iroko wood

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life REST sunbed 2019 LOB sofa 2022 p. 122 → 127 p. 120 → 121 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB001 sofa 186x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB002 sofa 156x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB003 central 186x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB004 central 156x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB005 central 96x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB006 leftend 186x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB007 leftend 156x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB008 rightend 186x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB009 rightend 156x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 9 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB010 leftend 96x96xH70,Hs38cm LOB011 rightend LOB014 leftendisland 170x125xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 LOB012 central 96x96xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB013 corner 190x96xH70,Hs38cm LOB015 rightendisland 170x125xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 LOB016 chaiseloungeleftend 200x130xH70,Hs38cm LOB017 chaiseloungerightend 200x130xH70,Hs38cm 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 RES001 single 170/190x70xH73 RES002 double 170/190x140xH73 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 cuscino CUS006 nonincluso cushion CUS006 not included 96 96 96 96 6 96 96 96 148

96 MARELLA sofa 2022 DOT easy chair 2019 MAR001 sofa 193x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR002 sofa 163x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR003 armchair 78x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR010 leftchaiselounge 153x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR004 leftend 183x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR005 eftend 153x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR006 rightend 183x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR007 rightend 153x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR008 central 173x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR009 central 143x80xH80,Hs40cm p. 128 → 131 p. 132 → 133 finituregambeacciaioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedsteel legsfinishes RAL9005 black RAL9001 creamwhite DOTF001 DOTFlatbackrest 65x65xH78,Hs42cm DOTR001 DOTRound backrest 70x63xH74,Hs42cm finiturestrutturaacciaioverniciatoapolveri powdercoatedsteel framefinishes RAL9005 black RAL9001 creamwhite MAR010 leftchaiselounge 153x80xH80,Hs40cm

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life 150

Cushions are combined with the various sofa models, but our customers are always free to make the combinations they prefer. Check which cushions are included in the various sofamodels in the technical data. Cushions are made with recycled materials and are always removable. I cuscini sono abbinati ai vari modelli di divano ma i nostri clienti sono sempre liberi di fare gli abbinamenti che preferiscono. Si prega di verificare quali modelli di divano hanno i cuscini inclusi nelle schede tecniche. I cuscini sono realizzati con materiali riciclabili e sono sfoderabili. Cushions CUS004 squaredsideband 60x60cm CUS010 softsoap-shaped 70x70cm CUS007 withbolster 75x50cm CUS005 squaredsideband 50x50cm CUS006 squaredsideband 45x45cm CUS001 soap-shaped 60x60cm CUS002 soap-shaped 50x50cm CUS003 soap-shaped 55x30cm CUS009 soap-shaped 60x45cm CUS008 withbolster 65x50cm CUS011 softsoap-shaped 60x60cm cusciniaSAPONETTA SOAP-SHAPEDcushions cusciniMORBIDIaSAPONETTAtrapuntati SOFTSOAP-SHAPEDquiltedcushions cuscinischienaliconRULLO backcushionswithBOLSTER cusciniQUADRATIconfascia SIDEBANDSQUAREDcushions Cuscini

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